# How can my clients see me while they're doing the therapy?

When you're doing a Remote Session with CloudEMDR, it's often desirable for your clients to see you while they are doing the therapy.

This is currently possible with Zoom.

  1. In Zoom, ask your client to go to Meeting
  2. And then select Keep on Top. This will make sure that the video call stays on top of CloudEMDR.

This is what that menu looks like: an image

This is a video that you can share with your clients to explain them how to do this:

You can share the link to the video with your clients: https://bit.ly/37dXLBu

# How can I see my clients while they're doing the therapy?

When you're doing a Remote Session with CloudEMDR, it's often desirable for you to see your clients while they are doing the therapy.

This is currently possible with Zoom.

  1. In Zoom, go to Meeting
  2. And then select Keep on Top. This will make sure that the video call stays on top of CloudEMDR.

This is what that menu looks like: an image